December 31, 2011

Battle Mechanics *MUST READ* for all LoS Members

By Dene Boyd

Heres a few basics on how troops operate during battles.

1. if you are attacking someone you are the attacker, that means that the total attack power of your troops comes into play and your defense power has nothing to do with the battle.

2. if you are defending then it simply means your entire citys total troop defense comes into play against the attackers attack power, and your attack power means nothing.

we will get into more on power later, for now, lets understand how troops work.

1. The attackers longest ranged unit sets the length of the battlefield. if you attack with LBM and Minos, then your LBM are your longest ranged unit therefore the battlefield length is that of the range of LBM which is 1200 plus 500 defaulted meaning the battlefield length is 1700 to the opponents troops to start the battle.

2. if you send only dragons or melee units such as SSD, BD or Mino's then the battlefield is defaulted to 500 since there are no ranged units involved.

3. the attacker gets to start the first round then its the defenders turn to go 1 round, then the attacker again..back and forth until all of one enemy troops are dead.

Why is this so critical that you know this? Well heres your answer:

Example: you send LBM and Mino's to attack.
Your LBM set the range at 1700 then the battle starts: The attacker goes first

Round 1: Your Turn First since your the attacker
1. your LBM move up to the length of their speed or until they are within range of enemy then they stop and fire one round in the amount of their total attack power.
2. your Mino's move up to the length of thier speed and without engaging on this round because they are out of melee range still.
3. LBM Speed is 250, so they move 1700-250=1450, thier range is 1200, they will not engage this round.
4.The Mino speed is 275, so they move 1700-275=1425, they are now in front of the LBM which means they will be able to stop enemy melee from reaching your LBM. They will not engage this round.

Round 2: Enemys turn next:
1. Enemy ranged LBM move speed 250-1450=1200, they are now within range of your Mino's and your LBM, they Fire thier total LBM defense power at your Minos on this round because they pose the biggest threat. (Is your Mino attack power enough to withstand thier LBM Defense power?)
2. What if they have SSD?
3. Thier SSD speed is 1000-1450=450, the ssd stop and cannot attack this turn because they are 450 away from your LBM and 425 away from your Minos.
4. each of the enemys units get to use thier speed and range to close in on you as you do each turn. every time you close in on each other, you either attack if in range or wait for the next turn.

Round 3: Your turn again:
1. Your LBM stay put because they are within range of enemy SSD and Enemy LBM, they fire at the SSD (do you have enough total LBM attack power to take out the enemy SSD defense power?)
2. Your Minos cannot attack yet, they move speed 275 putting them 200 away form the enemy SSD which is thier closest target, they are not within melee range (melee=hand to hand combat) therefore they stopa and wait.

Here are some things that happen on the next round:
1. your Mino's will take a second hit from the enemy LBM
2. your Mino's will be confronted with enemy SSD
* you need enough Minos to Soak up thier damage so that your LBM can live through this round and finish off the enemy forces

Things to think about:
1. what happens if you send dragons with them? your dragons will fly to the fron of the battle and become soaker damage.
2. what happens if you would have attacked and added your GD? Your GD has a range of 1500. would the Minos be able to catch up to the LBM on the 3rd round saving them from getting hit by the enemy LBM twice before they reached the enemy? Would you Mino's have caught up to your LBM to help them just in time for the SSD to arrive to your LBM while your Mino's were fresh and untouched by the 3rd turn?
3. Also consider yours and the enemy's Research levels.
a) Level 10 Metalurgy increases attack and defense by 50% (each level increases 5%)
b) Level 10 Medicine increases Life by 50% (each level increases 5%)
c) Each level of Weapons Calibration Increases your Ranged units range 5%
d) Each level of your Dragonry increases Dragon speed by 5%

Example: your LBM is 1200 range, if you increase Weapons cal to level 10 then thier range is 1800. Now when they move forward in battle, they will be able to attack enemy LBM with lower Weapons Cal research. and the enemy will not yet be able to reach them on the first turn! Lots to think about I know.

OK so go do the math folks and learn to set up the proper attacks to get the results to win the battle.

Why do LBM actually help the fang/ogre/lbm/GD combo?
its all about range and speed
1) the fangs are fastest, they push forward till they are within range, then they attack. leaving the Ogre about half the length behind them.
2) the Ogres catch up to the fangs and help protect them just in time for the enemy dragons and melee to meet the fangs.
3) the LBM are in 3rd place (behind the fangs and ogres), but! the LBM have twice the range as fangs, so they can stop farther out anyways and protect the fangs and ogres.
4) The LJ are last, they are faster than LBM, but the stop sooner because they have the longest range and allow the LBM to pass them. The LJ are lating out heavy long ranged hits the entire battle.
5) with the correct percentage of troops/ you have yourself a deadly effective army.
6) the correct ratio is 1lbm/5LJ/4Ogre and 2Fang (send your GD and you will dampen troop loss)

December 24, 2011

Christmas Cease Fire | Frederick

The Cease Fire has ended as scheduled. Thank you for participating honorably.




STARTS : 0:00 DEC 25 / 24:00 DEC 24
ENDS: 12:00 DEC 26
EXAMPLE: Thea is -5UTC. For her, the cease fire will start at 7PM EST on 24 December and will end at 7 AM EST the 26th of December.


CF Alliances:
The Black Cross 
The full monty
Lords of Siege
Memento Mori
Assassin Nation
The Lost and Damned
Ancient Souls
Chain of Honor
Dark Flyers
Death Searchers
Brothers In Blood
Wolves From Padan
Angels of War
Dont Go There
the school of budz
Shadow warriors
Sith Lords
Zero 2
wraith eaters
Dragon Doom

This CF includes any acts that may be seen as hostile: no spying, no attacking cities, no taking wilds, no hitting outposts.

You MUST post a battle report on the group page (or through Liselle) and await instructions from a lord. No exceptions. Don’t be a vigilante. If you do not post the report, do not expect us to protect you after you retaliate.

If you accidentally hit someone on the CF list, or steal their wild because of a Kabam map error, or if you screwed up your time zone calculations, DON’T PANIC. Contact one of our Lords or Leaders ASAP. Contact the person you injured. Contact their OL. Offer a brief apology to the latter two.

If someone outside of this list says you hit them while they are under CF, apologize and refer them to me.

Keep in mind that people who break the cease fire are prone to retaliation from an entire alliance. LoS will not back any member who purposely breaks the CF. Members who abuse the CF for their own gain will be dropped and farmed.

Do not dishonor Family by setting out to break peace.

Overlord LoS/F

Christmas Cease Fire | All Other Realms

To my knowledge, there are no cease fire treaties on the other LoS realms, however members playing on Whidbey report that something may be in the works.

If you hit someone and they complain that you've violated a cease-fire, explain that our alliance was not aware of one, and POST on the appropriate group page.

Lord Drastus made a valid point this morning: "Everyone can go a few f__k'n hours without killing something. Give your family a Christmas gift by logging off the bloody game for a day."

Thanks Drastus. You've queued your troops for the next 40 hours, right?  Rat bastard.

Merry Christmas to all!

December 21, 2011

Frost Dragon Egg - Kabam Update

Acquiring a Frost Dragon Egg

You may acquire a Frost Dragon Egg by purchasing one in the Shop. Additionally, Frost Dragon Eggs may be obtained by sending attacks with a Great Dragon, Water Dragon, Stone Dragon, Fire Dragon, Wind Dragon, or Wraith Dragon to level 5 and above Mountains. One of your Dragons must be present to acquire a Frost Dragon Egg.

If a Wraith Dragon is included in the March, the chance of acquiring the Frost Dragon Egg will be even higher. (DO NOT waste the wraith on this quest. Thea found her egg in a level 5 mountain by using LBM, some minos and the GD.)

December 19, 2011

The Great Food Glitch

We don't advocate using this glitch. Ever. EVER EVER. See post regarding Lemming nips.


If you have one of these:

Or nano collectors for a week, or food collectors...

You will be able to glitch your food.

1) Use the nano

2) Quickly change your tax rate (any numbers will do). You will have to input the numbers and
follow through, clicking OK EACH TIME when the Change Taxes box pops up. Do this three (3!) times quickly:

3) Refresh the game three (3) times quickly.

So the sequence would be:
  1. Click on nano
  2. Click on Fortress
  3. Type 11 in the tax window
  4. Click on Change Tax Rate
  5. Click on OK for Tax Changes
  6. Click on Fortress
  7. Type 22 in the tax window
  8. Click on Change Tax Rate
  9. Click on OK for Tax Changes
  10. Click on Fortress
  11. Type 11 in the tax window
  12. Click on Change Tax Rate
  13. Click on OK for Tax Changes

If you already had food above your capacity limit, the food will not decrease until the nano time runs out or until you are hit (nano is cancelled by attacks).

Food capacity:
This is based on the number and level of farms in your city, and your research level in agriculture, and the amount of food-giving wildernesses you own.
In the example here, the capacity (the maximum amount of food the city will produce on its own using just fields and wilderness) is 2,210,000. 

This person needs to have at least 2,210,001 of food before the glitch "kicks in". They can start the glitch with 0 food but food will still vanish if less than capacity. If I send this person 3,000,000 in food, the glitch will prevent it from being eaten.

December 10, 2011

Basic Principles of Combat

The two most common battle-themed questions I hear are:
"Why did so many of my troops die?"


"Why didn't my special troop work right?"

DoA combat follows an order of battle. It's a mathematical formula based on troop type. Rather than explain it in detail here (or pirate an article from someone else's blog), I refer you to Blackrabbit2999.

The author has personally used him as a source and found his information to be valid.

Yes, some people use the Battle Feature found in a specific script when factoring combat before launching an attack, but we at LoS would never, NEVER EVER encourage anyone to download and use scripts because LoS knows that scripts are Bad, and give an Unfair Advantage and thus are Not Allowed by Kabam. So read the Kabam Terms of Service and don't use those Awful Scripting Thingies or else a lemming will nip your pecker off.

K? 'Nuff said.

December 09, 2011

Glitch Cities

This document i found to be quite helpful for our newer members and hopefully will complement the existing [LoS grouppage] document on glitches 

Toni's doc on glitch cities
from Lords of Siege
Glitch (or Magic) cities are former player cities that have been dormant for a period of time. They might offer a small amount of resources or a large amount. They are glitch cities because they reset after each attack IF youdo not send enough troops to fully harvest each attack.

Look for little cities without any alliance, 1 or 2 in level with at least 100 in power. Also make certain it's close to you so you can effectively wave:

Spy them to see what is inside. This is a spy report for the city above:

Glitch cities have amounts that end in zeros, as above. This city is small and it does not have a dragon. It may have a vault? Each wave could give the amounts listed above:

650k in food
0k     in gold *(please see note)
600k in wood
500k in ore
350k in stone
total these up .
so 650+600+500+350=  2.1million 

and add the largest figure to what you get
largest figure is food
(this stops you from resetting thglitch if the gold happens to be in excess of 650k)

total= 2.75million send 
send 600Ats if it is a level 2 or less city.
if the city is lvl3 or higher you will need to send enough troops to defeat the great dragon as well.

after 1st attack you will be able to calculate how big the vault is by deducting the br figures from the spy report.

then you will be able to send the minimum amount of troops to recover all the loot from the city and defeat the dragon if it has one.

Launching waves, each wave containing enough troops to defeat the great dragon and with enough load capacity to ensure all the loot is removed.

Your resources will grow tremendously with each hit and you will have a smile on your face, at last, an easier way to gather resources, ;-).

Please update this if you have noticed errors or can explain the little details that we have overlooked. 

13/09/2011 dene boyd

December 08, 2011

Tips and Tricks for Growing at the Start

Posted in Albion by J. Rosado and R. Ross (on the Canes Inferi group page), updated by A. Patáková (Lords of Siege)

             Getting Between 100K - 300K Power Before Protection Ends!
         Ok, in every alliance I have been in people have asked me how I reach 100k~300k power before I get out of Protection without buying RUBIES. This is how I do it, also keep in mind that I play 12~15hrs a day, so if you don’t  you may or may not reach the same power as me because I play a lot more, but you should still be able to hit 100k+ in power.

  • Grab you’re goodie box out of the CHEST section of the ITEMS tab! Use all of your wood, metal, and stone boosters. (They are in the PRODUCTION section of the ITEMS tab.)  They will increase how much you get of those resources per hr by 25%.
  • Build 3 of each Lumber millMine, and Quarry in your field. You don't need any farms because you get plenty of food from Camps, but if U do build 1 U will get 10 power points (it’s up to you).
  • Upgrade 1 of each resource to Lv3. (You should have 1-Lv3 of each lumber mill, mine, and quarry. And have 2-Lv1 of each lumber mill, mine, and quarry.) This should complete 10 QUESTS      (or 9 without the farm) that'll give enough resources to move on.
  • Build a Science Center and start researching WoodcraftAlloys and Masonry. For now only research Lv1 of Alloys and Masonry because you’re going to need your gold for Woodcraft.
  • Build 5 Homes and change Tax rate to 50% (You can do this by clicking on your Fortress.) I only build 5 homes, because that gives you enough idle population for resource sites and troops.
  • Build 5 Garrisons and you get a quest for each garrison you build, they give you back all the resources you used to build them. When your 5th garrison is finished you'll get a quest that'll give you 10k     of each resource. (After 5 you will not get any more quests for building Garrisons!)
  • Upgrade your Science Center to Lv2 and research Lv2 Woodcraft. (Don't research Alloys or Masonry right now!)
  • Build a Factory, Metalsmith, Rookery, Officer's Quarters, and Muster Point. (You don't really need a Theater, add Storage vault near the end of protection)
  • Upgrade your Fortress to Lv2, this will give you 3 more plots in field to build resources and allows you to take an extra wilderness (from now on, focus on building even amount of lumbermills and mines, build max of 3 farms for quest and max 4 quarries)
  • Build more Lumber mills, Mines, and Quarries and upgrade all resources to Lv3. When done you should have 14 resources that are all Lv3!
  • Upgrade your Science Center to Lv3 and research Lv3 Woodcraft, if you don't have enough resources to upgrade then go to the next step.
  • Upgrade Fortress to Lv3, if you couldn't upgrade Science Center before you should be able to do it now.
  • Build more Lumber mills, Mines, and Quarries, and upgrade them to Lv3.
  • Upgrade all Homes to Lv3, this will give you more gold for research.
  • If you can, upgrade your Science Center to Lv4 and research Lv4 Woodcraft. After Lv4 Woodcraft is done research Lv1~3 Weapons Calibration!
  • Upgrade 1 Garrison from Lv1~4. With Lv1 Weapons Calibration and a Lv4 Garrison you can train LBM’s. (Longbowmen)
  • If you have the resources train 50 LBM!  (As soon as your LBMs are done you will be doing multiple things at a time!)
  • Now as for buildings you are going to work only on leveling up your resources, Lv6 Fortress, and Lv5 Science Center. While I'm online I work on my resources upgrading all of them to the same level over and over untill they are all Lv6, while I'm offline for a few hrs I’ll upgrade my Science Center and Fortress since they take so long to upgrade!  
  • After your Science Center reaches Lv5 and Fortress reaches Lv6 stop upgrading them for now and only work on resources! (Do this for buildings for now.)
  • As for your 50 LBM take them around to some Lv1 wilds and fill you wilderness slots up with Forests and Mountains. Then go and attack the Forests for wood, Mountains for metal, Hills for stone, Lakes and Savannas for food. The resources you build up here will be used for upgrading buildings, but also mainly for building more LBMs. (When you get 100 LBM make 100 Porters.)
  • After you have a 5 Star General, 100 LBM’s, and 100 Port’s you are ready to take Lv1 Camps. This is way better then hitting a wild and getting 1k of whatever resource it holds at a time.   (Each lvl of a camp holds 112k food, 15k lumber, 500 metal, and 500 stone.)
  • At this point when you can hit camps, you can fill the rest of your city with Lv1 Garrisons. You will see a drastic drop in the amount of time it takes to train troops. After you get 100 more of each troop then upgrade your Muster Point to Lv2 so you can attack 2 - Lv1 camps at a time. This will shorten how long it takes to build up resources. Keep at doing this step over and over till you have Lv5 Muster Point, 500 LBM,  and 500 Porters. When you get up to a Lv5 Muster Point you’re going to need another General, so upgrade your Officer's Quarters to Lv2 and appoint another General.
  • Upgrade your Science Center to Lv5 and research Lv5 woodcraft, after that is done start leveling up Levitation. I would research Levitation to Lv5. (Every level of Levitation cuts 10% off the time it takes to upgrade buildings). At this point you can start researching other things you want to research. I recommend mercantelism to be able to use trade (especially to buy cheap stone and sell food which you should have plenty from A.camps), other researchs in the order that is flexible depending on yoour time online. Leave dragonry at 0 until you have enough LBMs and can shift your training to dragons. (see bellow)
  • Upgrade your Factory to Lv3 then upgrade your Lv4 Garrison from Lv4 to Lv6. When you have a Lv6 Garrison, Lv3 Factory, and Lv3 Levitation, you can make ATs (Armored Transports). They work the same as Porters but are faster and carry 5,000 units each. 25 Porters carry as much stuff as 1 AT.
  • Train 25 AT's for a quest and then you will no longer need Porters since you have ATs. Now when you attack a Lv1 camp with 100 LBM and 25 AT's, you will get all the resources that camp has.
  • Your next task is to keep training ATs and LBMs and slowly start leveling your Dragon keep. You can take a Lv2 camp with 500 LBM and 50 ATs, and a Lv3 camp with 1,000 LBM and 75 ATs. Upgrade your wilderness as you are able to. (see for troops numbers, make sure to support your LBM with AT when going to 5+ wilds as a meatshield). 
  • After you have roughly 5k LBM and at least 200 AT and lvl 5 medicine, mettalurgy and weapon calibration (if your researchs are more 4 than 5, use min 6k lbms), find lvl 5 Anthropus camp closes to you and hit it over and over again. This time you are not after resources but after Great dragon armor who should be near or at lvl 8. When you get all 4 pieces of armor and have lvl 8 dragon, start research aerial combat to lvl 1~2.
  • At circa 10k LBMS and 1k AT start making ssd (up to 10k) then continue making ssd and bd roughly 2:1 or 3:1. (Don't forget to steadily raise your number of AT, they are very important to be able to carry your resources!) SSD will be your farming troops and BD your combat troops. Never mix up dragons with GD or other ground troops (ranged are the worst combination). For SSD you will need Dragonry lvl 2, Garrison lvl 5, RD 1 and Rookery 1. For BD you will need Dragonry lvl 3, Garrison lvl 7 and  Metalsmith/RD/Rookery at lvl 5. Higher level Rookery will allow you to research higher Dragonry which strenghten your SSD and BD, while Rookery makes your draogn training faster. (this apply only in capitol, so if you want to make different troops types in each location, train your dragons in capitol for speed bonus from Rookery)
  • When you have Great Dragon able to fly you can start farming for your eggs to be able to create outposts. Pick appropriate wild closes to you and hit it with GD+LBM+AT again and again until you get egg. For water outpost you want lvl 5+ Lake (I recommend lvl 7-8, 5k+ LBMs and at least 200 AT), for stone op lvl 7+ Hill, fire op lvl 7+ Mountain, wind op lvl 7+ Savanna.
  • As soon as you get egg, acquire lvl 9 Plain (you need cca 7k LBM, to be safe support with GD and 200+AT) and build outpost. I recommend capturing Plain far away from your city, so your enemy don't discover it easily. Remember to fill all your new wild slots, then start hitting next wild type for next egg, while you build your new outpost.
  • In outposts do not build any Field buildings (they use your idle population wihch you need for training), do not build more Silos, build only 4-5 Houses (4 if you will keep 5 homes in capitol, 5 if you plan on destroying capitol homes wiht mass nulifiers) and fill rest with Training centers lvl 1. After you have all slots full, upgrade houses to at least lvl 5 and one TC to high level to be able to start train troops there. Lvl 4 for LBM, lvl 5 for SSD, lvl 6 for AT, lvl 7 for BD etc.

**Now you should have strong production going in your capitol and in 1-2 outposts. **

When your protection is endsing, focus on leveling your Clairoviance to lvl 6 for better spy results, your Sentinel to lvl 9 for most info about attacks on you and Storage Vault to max level to protect up to 2 mil of each resource from plundering.

December 07, 2011

Item Drop Location

Item Drop Locations
Here are where items can currently be found in-game:

Great Dragon Armor:
In Anthropus Camps level 5 and higher

Water Dragon Armor:
In Lakes level 7 and higher

Stone Dragon Armor:
In Hills level 7 and higher

Fire Dragon Armor:
In Mountains level 7 and higher

Wind Dragon Armor:
In Savannahs Level 7 and higher

Wraith Dragon Remains:
Head - Level 7 and above Forests
Body - Level 7 and above Hills
Tail - Level 7 and above Lakes
Talons - Level 7 and above Mountains

Water Dragon Egg:
In Lakes level 5 and higher

Stone Dragon Egg:
In Hills Level 7 and higher

Fire Dragon Egg:
In Mountains Level 7 and higher

Wind Dragon Egg:
In Savannahs Level 7 and higher

Fangtooth Respirators:
In Lakes and Anthropus Camps Level 7 and higher

Glowing Mandrakes
In Hills and Anthropus Camps Level 7 and higher

Volcanic Runes:
In Mountains and Anthropus Camps level 7 and higher

Banshee Talons:
In Savannahs and Anthropus Camps level 7 and higher

As before, higher level Wildernesses and Anthropus Camps are more likely to yield the desired items. In addition, keep in mind that item drops are random. You can get the armor piece you want in 10 attacks, 800 and maybe more. Even if it was easy to get an egg, it may prove more difficult to get the armor or vice versa. Just remember that there is no set number of attacks needed to get items. Even if you have attacked 1,000s of camps and are getting frustrated just remember to keep trying because one day you will see that glorious battle report saying you got just what you are looking for!