There are just a few rules, but all members are required to follow them. It is our official code of conduct.
Rule #1
NO WORLD CHAT. Members are to stay out of World Chat. It is a playpen for toddlers. The temptation to talk trash is too great. Do no action that will bring shame to Lords of Siege. Members found in world chat (without OL authorization) will be removed from the alliance.
Rule #2
DO NOT DEFEND unless you know that you can win. Troops are expensive to replace. Keep the troops off the walls.
Rule #3
DO NOT HOARD RSS in the beginning. It makes you a target. If you are a target, WE are seen as a target. Get rid of your surplus RSS by boomeranging it or sending it to members. If you run scripts, there is a big temptation to collect a lot of stuff. Resist the urge.
Rule #4
YOU MUST POST BATTLE REPORTS if you want help or someone to retaliate. There are helpful docs that will walk you through capturing a screen shot. We need to know who hit you and with what. We can't help you unless you post it. This is a war game, not Farmville. Expect to be attacked.
Rule #5
CONDUCT YOURSELF WITH HONOR. A little trash talk in messages to an enemy is perfectly fine. Graphic messages, vulgar lanugage, threats to harm the player or to have him banned, sexually suggestive posts and other things that violate the Kabam TOS are also prohibited here. Treat other members in chat with respect. We allow minors into our alliance.
LORDS AND LEADERS. These people are here to help you. Don't be afraid to ask for help, or to ask questions about the game. Some of our lords and leaders speak more than one language.
Rule #7
RESPECT THE FACE COLOR. Players found hitting allies will be removed and heavily farmed. Only the OL or the person she/he appoints should change the face color. Blue is ally, do not attack. Green is neutral, and you can attack them once a day. Red is an alliance we are at war with, and you should direct your energies towards destroying them. Avoid hitting top 10 alliances until we have at least 3 players with 1 m in power, please.
Rule #8
ONLY THE OL or the 2nd in command can declare war. War is defined by a red face and usually both OLs are in contact prior. All combat energies are directed towards that enemy clan and towards wiping them from the realm. Expect to be heavily attacked by that clan while at war. Minor battles and attacks between cities are part of the game and are not considered war.
Rule #9
BE AN ACTIVE MEMBER OF THE FAMILY. Play. Grow. Have fun. Chat. Make sure that you have looked over our roster and have added your in-game name to the comments section!
Please click "like" at the bottom to confirm that you've read these rules.
Alliance-related questions that have come up…
Siege Warfare: practical genius combined with ruthless thoroughness. In days of yore, if a city couldn’t be overcome by the initial assaults, the Roman army surrouned the target a defensive wall and ditch and spread their units around these fortifications. This assured no supplies and reinforcements got to the besieged. Lords of Siege applies similar tactics, burning outposts to prevent enemy troop growth, and launching coordinated attacks on a city so that the enemy can not hold onto resources.
Coordinate gathering:
1) Your cords! We gather your own cords and keep them safe. The best way to destroy an alliance is to infiltrate them, gain lord or leader status, and then use that power to dismiss everyone in the alliance. Not all the members return (many feel that they were intentionally dumped). We can use your cords to find your city and send you a message. If you are dumped, ALWAYS message the OL to verify if it was intentional! In the event that YOU are the spy, we have your cords and will lay siege to you until you leave the realm as a player.
2) Other cords! We ask that all members gather cords of cities around them. We are looking for cities and outposts that have an alliance tag. The data should look something like this: (The numbers are the coordinates of each location listed. OP=outpost, SR=Spectral Ruin)
John Player
His City Name 123/456
1OP 123/458
2OP 321/654
SR 658/333
Going to a New Alliance: it happens. Players want something different. There isn’t anything wrong with that. Do me a favor and tell me you want to move to “___________”. Otherwise, people might assume that you were a spy. I won’t be angry or hurt if you want to try something new, and I know what it’s like to be stuck in an alliance where you are not happy but are afraid to leave.
Resources (RSS): ASK if you need it. Make sure that you will be online when it arrives. If someone has RSS to give, they’ll give it to you. If they don’t, trust that they really don’t. You may receive 1,000 of ore and then see someone get handed 10 million ore. This is because you are smaller in power and the other player is much, much larger in power – they can build quicker, and the resources are burned up in a few clicks. I remember how offended I used to get until I finally hit the 1 million power mark and experienced the frustration of trying to grow at a higher level.
Lords and Leaders: our lords are players who know the game, or have a lot of experience as a DoA player, or have the skills needed to help run the alliance. Our leaders are lords in training. Your feedback helps them grow as a person. That said, trust them as I trust them. They are your best sources for support.
Language: if English is your second language, I’ll make every effort to have documents translated if you can not understand them well in English. Of course, my translation software is TERRIBLE, so please be patient. We may also have other players who understand your native tongue. Don’t be afraid to ask on the group page. Never, ever worry that we will laugh at you if you aren’t sure of how to write something.